Aflevering 15: Teen Mom: The Next Chapter

Beschrijving van de aflevering:

It's the crossover event of the season, Cheyenne finally gets married! A car accident puts Ashley and Holly's lives at risk and Bar ends up in jail. Briana gets stuck in Florida when Hurricane Ian derails her plans to travel. Leah shows Maci her engagement ring but Jaylan and Leah are not as happy as they should be after getting engaged. And there is not a dry eye in the house as Zach and Cheyenne finally tie the knot in a ceremony worth every minute of buildup.

Over de serie

Genres: Andere
Teen Mom: The Next Chapter


De cast van Teen Mom OG en die van Teen Mom 2 komen samen in de moeder aller series. Maci, Catelynn, Amber, Leah, Briana, Cheyenne, Ashley en Jade slepen elkaar door de hoogte- en dieptepunten van het moederschap heen.

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